What’s The Purpose

Finding our Purpose in life can be challenging for some of us. It’s one of those things that we don’t even search for when we’re younger….I think for some they have a gift or talent very early in life and they have a drive to use it. To have an inherit talent thats not only self-serving but used to help others – that to me is a wonderful purpose in life.

Many of us are not blessed in that way, we have to search our heart, our minds to figure out our purpose in life. I think we spend most of our life determined to just work and retire. Which is critical we have to make a living to survive. But is that the sole purpose of life. Is it really? What is that saying – “Live to Work not Work to Live”. Either way it has to be something outside of the box of working hard all of our life to retire and relax. Maybe its giving back to others, maybe its finding a hidden talent, maybe its impacting your community, maybe its inspiring others through your faith….I could go down a long list.

I wish I had the answer….I’m still searching too lol. We will Blog about this huge topic much more later….