Life takes a drastic change for some people as time passes. We are the same person but somehow different. Experiences throughout life can and will change us. In some ways its negative and other ways positive. Take for example when we’re in our teenage years, there is plenty some of us look back and wonder why we did certain things. It was part of our growth and learning. Depending on the situation, you knew not to repeat those actions, or say those words. Its lessons learned that molds us to the adults we are today.
On the other hand as adults we have life lessons that we didn’t necessarily anticipate. We begin to think we know it all, life is settled, and there shouldn’t be any further huge impacts. But that’s not the case, we continue to grow, feel, learn, hurt, and do it all over again. Again we are same but different. We may be same physically in some cases but very differently mentally based on life’s circumstances. Or very much the opposite – we are unscathed mentally but faced a lot physically. Either way, we have to continue to embrace life – nothing will be perfect. We grow, learn, pray….pick up and move forward!