Being Seen

You ever met a person that is typically “seen” as soon as they walk into a room or crowd? They are bubbly, loud, and fun. Everyone loves their energy and to be honest they thrive from that too. They love “Being Seen”. In the past there wasn’t as much emphasis on Introvert and Extrovert personalities…..well at least to me anyway. But now that’s all we hear about – the need be labeled with a personality trait. Are you introvert, extrovert, or hybrid lol? I would probably be somewhat in between. Some people are extroverts in smaller groups and introvert in larger crowds. Some of us cannot function to our fullest with a lot of noise, a lot of movement – in a pulsating environment. We tend to cave in or surrender to our corners. Does it mean we are having an awful experience – not necessarily. But we moreso interact at a different level….we are more comfortable at a calm, quite level, but still fun!

What does “Being Seen” mean to those that are introverts or as they say these days functioning introvert? It shouldn’t mean the person is invisible or ignored. Keep moving at your own capacity, those around you – if they are truly worthy of your attention and love they will engage with you at your comfort level. Being seen will be internal, you learn to love yourself with confidence and comfort level that’s good for you – and only you!