

Same But Different

Life takes a drastic change for some people as time passes. We are the same person but somehow different. Experiences throughout life can and will change us. In some ways its negative and other ways positive. Take for example when we’re in our teenage years, there is plenty some of us look back and wonder why we did certain things. It was part of our growth and learning. Depending on the situation, you knew not to repeat those actions, or say those words. Its lessons learned that molds us to the adults we are today. On the other hand as adults we have life lessons that we didn’t necessarily anticipate. We begin to think we know it all, life is settled, and there shouldn’t be any further huge impacts. But that’s not the case, we continue to grow, feel, learn, hurt, and do it all over again. Again we are same but different. We may be same physically in some Read More


The Big D Word

In all fairness you probably thought I was going to mention Divorce. We will discuss that at a later date. Depression is the ugly word that no one wants to mention. Depression is a mental health problem that causes constant feeling of sadness, low mood, and loss of interest to do much of anything. Millions of people around the world suffer with Depression at some point in their life. Mental health issues can negatively impact the balance of our lives tremendously. It’s important to understand if you’re sad for a day or two due to something stressful in your life versus depression. Understand the symptoms and try to figure out the causes. Take time for yourself to do those things that bring you absolute joy. Try to alleviate the stress factors in your life that causes you to be depressed. Depending on the severity of depression its difficult for some to overcome, it definitely takes time. Changing your environment or Read More


What’s The Purpose

Finding our Purpose in life can be challenging for some of us. It’s one of those things that we don’t even search for when we’re younger….I think for some they have a gift or talent very early in life and they have a drive to use it. To have an inherit talent thats not only self-serving but used to help others – that to me is a wonderful purpose in life. Many of us are not blessed in that way, we have to search our heart, our minds to figure out our purpose in life. I think we spend most of our life determined to just work and retire. Which is critical we have to make a living to survive. But is that the sole purpose of life. Is it really? What is that saying – “Live to Work not Work to Live”. Either way it has to be something outside of the box of working hard all of our Read More



It use to bother me when people would use the phrase “I am broken”. In my younger days, I really didn’t understand what that meant. How can a person be broken – yes a tangible product, furniture, etc can be broken but how can a person really be broken? But it is in fact true, there are so many things in life that can impact us negatively – it causes us to no longer be whole. Different situations in life can hurt us in ways that can change us permanently. Life has many lessons, we have to embrace every lesson and continue to move forward. Grow and evolve – take time to heal, get all the help you need in your healing journey, and in time you will feel whole again.


Integrity Matters

I tell my Son often that being a person with integrity is not just about who you are in front of others, its the person you are when people are not in your presence. Are you a trustworthy person? Are you honest or loyal? People often act a certain way with their friends, family, or colleagues but it may be a totally different story when they are alone or with others. What are you saying when they are not around? Do you wish them well in-person but speak ill-will behind their back? Loyalty has so many layers depending on your interaction or relationship. Speak your truth but be consistent and sincere. Don’t waiver to impress others so they can like you more. It can be tough sometimes but if you’re transparent in your true form it’s easy to stay consistent and with good character.


Spiritually Hurting

If we fell or got injured in an accident…we would be physically hurt and need to heal. Similarly, we can hurt spiritually at times. You ever feel like you’re lost, not much to believe in, you question everything happening to you. I do feel your pain, its difficult especially when we are in troubled waters. Nothing is going our way and our spirit feels empty. But I’m going to tell you the same thing I tell myself constantly….don’t give up! Take time out to have some silent moments, dig deep on what caused you to feel Spiritually lost….and pray. God will not fore sake you, there is a reason for all His wonders. Stay faithful….there is up and downs in all of our journeys!


Knowing You

A close friend sent me something this morning that resonated with me. The topic was “who are you?”. Do you have children, maybe a spouse, a significant other, or caring for a parent? You love them dearly and spend a lot of time with them. You spend countless hours making sure you care for them, get their favorite food, or joining them on an activity of their choice. However, when you sit in your own skin with some distance – at some point they move away or leave your life in some capacity…. who are you? Who are you really? Do you know what you like or dislike? Do you know your favorite movie? What is your favorite food? What’s next for you in life? Ultimately know who you are – work on yourself, know your true self, and learn to love every part fully! Be confident and strong knowing you are spending time alone, getting to know YOU.


Sunday Refresh

Many people spend Sundays as a rest day, time to refresh, and prepare for the week. They spend the time shopping for groceries, cleaning, and cooking. Its been one of those days for me. Ok so to be honest there is no cooking happening here today and it’s not Sunday lol. But I spent hours throwing things away that I no longer use, changing bedding, washing clothes, cleaning floors, etc. The feeling when its all done, clean, and smelling good is absolutely wonderful! It becomes part of our stress relief. While life can be hectic and time gets the best of us to keep it decluttered at all times…..our environment should be peaceful and clean. We can’t focus on others until we are right ourselves. So blast your favorite music, get focused, clean, and refresh – it clears our mind, manage our stress, and helps us stay focused.



Real true genuine connections are rare these days. As we grow older our personal history teaches us there are different levels of connections throughout our lives. We encounter people that we grow very close to or some that we connect with occasionally. In some cases we grow apart, perhaps they hurt us, or maybe distance gets in the way. Situations of isolation and quarantine in our recent era has taught us that connections are critical in our lives. Be genuine, communicate well, reach out and stay connected to the people in your life.